SPECIAL SECRETARIAT FOR ERDF & CF PROGRAMMES | Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)
Project title: WebGIS customization and accessibility compliance to WCAG 2.0
Service provider: Infoscope Hellas
Stage: Completed
HELLENIC REPUBLIC | MINISTRY OF INTERIOR | Development and Solidarity Program for Local Government “ANTONIS TRITSIS”
Project title: Mobility4All
Partners: AccessLab, Dotsoft SA
Stage: Under evaluation
HELLENIC REPUBLIC | MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENTS | General Secreteriat for Research and Innovations | Research and Innovation Synergies in the Region of Attica
Project title: MAP-ATHENS | Make Accessible PATHs with intErnet of thiNgS
Partner: AccessLab, Delta MPIS, Technopolis City of Athens, R-Nano NTUA
Stage: Under evaluation